

This site aims to be a home for Econet users still out there, either through emulation or original hardware.  This site will provide documentation and links, as well as  a VPN to allow users to connect (using AUN) to a hosted econet file server.



This is an implementation of a econet file/print server in php, and it’s the server we use for the virtual econet network.  It uses AUN as it’s protocol for encapsulating econet frames over IP, which is the same protocol used by RiscOS for econet over IP and Beebem.

See our github page for details https://github.com/johnhomelan/aun-filestore


The VPN is currently a work in progress (currently not publicly accessible), its aim is to allow users  to safely exchange econet traffic (via AUN) between Beebem users, RiscOS users and our hosted econet server.


Currently working on an update to support econet in JSBeeb running over a websocket, and adding support for this econet encapsulation to aun-filestore.   This would allow us to host a BBC emulation on this site that connects up to an central copy of Aun-Filestore so you could all use it together.

See our github page for details https://github.com/johnhomelan/jsbeeb

VPN Access